Andrew Jackson dont mess

Andrew Jackson dont mess
AJ is the man

Do you agree with the stament that Andrew Jackson was the common mans President

Would you vote for Andrew Jackson


Andrew Jackson had a low education level which was barely basic. But did serve as a general learning the keys to leading large amounts of ppl.


Andrew Jackson- Milatry Career/ Majoer General

Won the Battle of New Orleans which took place on January 8, 1815, and was a major battle of the War of 1812. American forces defeated an invading British army trying to seize New Orleans and America's western lands.

Career- Was a miltary Govener of FLorida

Career- 7th presdent of the U.S


  • I have always been afraid of banks
  • It was settled by the Constitution, the laws, and the whole practice of the government that the entire executive power is vested in the President of the United States.
  • Mr. Van Buren, your friends may be leaving you but my friends never leave me.
  • The people are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the sovereign power.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jackson the commons mans president

Jackson is without a doubt the comman mans president. He gave us new land with the Indian removal act. Also he was wise enough to fire the elitests in his cabnit and bring in fresh new ideas when he brought the comman men into his cabnit. He was kind enough to take money from the BUS and give it to dmaller pet banks for the states to use. Also, Jackson was nice enough to sit his friends around the kitchen table at night and get their opinions on events occuring around our great nation. Jackson did nothing but good for the comman man and gave us a voice in the government.

Internal Improvments

It was very good that Jackson vetoed for the building of the new road. It only benifited one state and becasue of that the stae should of had to pay for it. This created unity becasue if he passed this bill then other states would of asked for improvments that they could of easily paid for. If it linked multiple states then it would of benifited the entire country.

Nullification crisis

It was great when Jackson put his foot down when South Carolina wanted to destroy the tariff. When he was ready to call the army on his own people showed that he would not be disobeyed in anyway. This also showed to the other states that you didn't want to mess with Jackson becasue without hesitation he would call the army on his own people. Jackson had to do this becasue if he just took away the tariff other states would demand to have taxes and other things taken away. This wasn't the first time a president did this. George Washington called the army when they threatened to revolt becasue of the whisky rebellion and he is remembered as one of the greatest presidents ever.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Idian removal Act

I am a farmer and as many other farmers feel the same way . We need more space for fertile land to farm. Without the fertile land we cant support are country . Native Americans already have more then enough land and they would have no problem moving a little more west so we could expand and set up new states. But when Andrew Jackson so kindly asked them to move and they denied are request. So I agree in the measures Andrew Jackson used to move them to a more then kind land. Yes I am so srry for the People who lost their life on the trail of tears and i send my regards to any family effected but it was needed for our strong leader Andrew Jackson to make a tough decision and let us carry on with our expansion.

The Bus MUST STOP! ALL IN Favor of the bank war.

The B.U.S has created much controversy in the USA. But all I know as a farmer in a small town is that it has been sucking the money clean out of my pockets. As many other ppl in my position are having the same thing happen to them. Andrew Jackson is bring down the beast. The bank only was working for the rich and wealthy while we put in hours of hard labor just to put a meal on our table. To me Andrew Jackson is Robbin Hood because he has decided to take from the rich and give to the poor. To kill the giant bank he created pet banks were he would slowly drain funds so that eventually it would fall and we could be closer to the hard money that we have all worked for.

All for the spoil system

Our government has been stale for along time now. I am all in support of of Andrew Jacksons'sideals and actions. I am glad that he was able to bring some fresh faces into his cabinet. These new cabinet members where not only new but brought an opion that is closer to people then ever before, most of which are Journalists who have an whole hearted interest on what is going on and what is good for the common people.